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Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie

Prof. Dr. Peter Sander

Prof. Dr. Peter Sander, Ph.D.

  • Research Group Leader
+41 44 634 26 84

Curriculum vitae

Name Peter Sander
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Phone +41 44 634 26 84
University Degree Diploma in biology, University of Munster, Germany PhD, University of Munster Habilitation, Hannover Medical School, Germany and University of Zurich, Switzerland
1983 – 1990 Studies of biology, University of Munster
1993 Dr. rer. nat. (PhD), University of Munster
2001 Habilitation, Hannover Medical School; venia legendi: Microbiology
2004 Habilitation, University of Zurich; venia legendi: Microbiology
2010 Professor, University of Zurich
Professional experience
1990 – 1993 PhD student, Institute for General Zoology and Genetics, University of Munster
1993 – 1998 Postdoc, Department of Medical Microbiology, Hannover Medical School
1998 – 2001 Research Assistant, Department of Medical Microbiology, Hannover Medical School
2001 – today

Principle Investigator and Group leader, Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Zurich

2018 – 2022 Deputy Head Swiss National Center for Mycobacteria
2022 – today Co-Head Swiss National Center for Mycobacteria
Research area
  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Virulence, host-pathogen interaction, protein secretion, lipoprotein synthesis and transport, genetics
  • Vaccine development
  • Antibiotics: drug development, activity, resistance
Awards/Honours Young investigator award of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) 2002