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Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie

Alexander Geiger

Alexander Geiger

  • PhD Student
+41 44 634 5986


2020-present Doctoral studies in Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism BSM (Prof. V. G. Panse)
2018-2020 University of Zürich, Master of Science in Biochemistry; Master Thesis: “Targeting r-proteins to the emerging ribosomes” in the group of Prof. Dr. Vikram Panse
2015-2018 University of Zürich; Bachelor of Science; Biochemistry Biomolecular Track; Bachelor’s project: “pH-Dependence of Secondary Structure Content and Binding Kinetics of the two Intrinsically Disordered Proteins ACTR and NCBD” in the group of Prof. Ben Schuler
2009-2015 Matura at Gymnasium Freudenberg, Zürich; Old and modern languages (Latin/English); Matura project: “Wachstum von Nepenthes” supervised by Prof. Dr. Felix Zihler


Research interests

  • Visualization of macromolecular protein complexes
  • Assembly of the 40S ribosomal subunit