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Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie

Research Group Seeger

Members and General Information


  1. Markus Seeger, Ph.D., principal investigator
  2. Alisa Garaeva, Ph.D., postdoctoral research assistant
  3. Melanie Scherer, Ph.D., postdoctoral research assistant
  4. Sujani Thavarasah, Ph.D., postdoctoral research assistant
  5. Fabian Ackle, Ph.D. student, University of Zurich
  6. Johanna Buchheit, Ph.D. student, University of Zurich
  7. Arpita Sahoo,  Ph.D. student, University of Zurich
  8. Anna Partas, Ph.D. student, University of Zurich
  9. Nicolas Lichti, Ph.D. student, University of Zurich
  10. Martina Peter, Ph.D. student, University of Zurich
  11. Stefanie Schürch, Ph.D. student, University of Zurch
The Seeger group at its 2016 lab retreat in Amsterdam/Groningen.
The Seeger group at its 2016 lab retreat in Amsterdam/Groningen.
The Seeger lab in front of the Giacometti building in 2020
The Seeger lab in front of the Giacometti building in 2020


  • E. Bordignon, Bochum (Germany)
  • H. Hilbi (Zurich)
  • E. Geertsma, Frankfurt (Germany)
  • S. Newstead, Oxford (UK)
  • S. Hiller (Basel)
  • P. Sander (Zurich)
  • P. Plattet (Berne)
  • P. Keller (Berne)

Supported by

ERC Consolidator grant, Wellcome Trust (UK), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), BRIDGE Discovery, Innosuisse, Novartis Foundation for medical-biological research, Olga Mayenfisch Stiftung, Forschungskredit UZH

Contact and further information

Markus Seeger, Ph.D.

Open positions

Our lab is happy to receive applications from motivated PhD and master students. Future co-workers are expected to show strong interest in structural biology, molecular biology and protein biochemistry in the context of bacterial membrane transport. Please contact us via:

Selected Literature

